Terms and conditions

1 These general conditions apply to all contracts concluded with the Alpenhof Garnihotel, provided they meet the characteristics of the AGBG. They can be partially replaced by conditions negotiated in individual cases.

2. the customer or guest bears the sole risk of liability for objects or materials left in generally accessible rooms, in the or technical facilities of the hotel.

In the room, liability can be assumed only if it is a matter of personal belongings of the customer, which he effectively needs at the time of use of the room. Liability here must be limited to the permissible extent. Valuable items such as jewelry, cash, fur coats, etc. must be deposited with the hotel reception, and a separate storage contract must be concluded with a person authorized to do so. The hotel is not liable for any valuables not deposited.

All prices are quoted and agreed in EURO. If foreign currencies are mentioned, this serves exclusively as a non-binding orientation based on the exchange rate valid at the time of publication.

(4) Insofar as a parking space in the hotel parking lot is made available to the customer – even for a fee – this expressly does not constitute a custody agreement. The hotel has no duty of supervision. The hotel shall only be liable for direct damage to the vehicle which is due to a defect in the parking space which already existed at the time the parking space was made available, up to a maximum of Euro 5,000 per vehicle. The damage must be claimed to the hotel at the latest when leaving the pitch.

1. a contract is concluded when the order is followed by an identical commitment. In the case of hotel accommodation, the accommodation contract (guest accommodation contract) shall be deemed to have been concluded even if the room has been made available without a prior commitment. The conclusion of the accommodation contract obligates both contracting parties to fulfill the contract, regardless of the duration for which the contract was concluded. The contract cannot be terminated unilaterally.

2. reserved rooms are available from 15.00 on the day of arrival and until 11.00 on the day of departure. If a later arrival time has not been expressly agreed, the hotel is entitled to assign the reserved room to someone else from 6:00 p.m. on.

3. the room rates shown are inclusive of VAT and service charge, and refer to the service period of one day.

4. the invoice amount is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice without deduction in cash.

5. the hotel is free to accept credit cards in any case, regardless of the posted general acceptance references. The acceptance of credit cards, checks and other means of payment is only on account of performance. The due date of cash payment is not affected by the acceptance of these means of payment.

If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the use of the service exceeds four months, and if the price charged for the service changes, the agreed price may be increased accordingly, but by a maximum of 10%. If the applicable VAT rate changes, the agreed price shall change accordingly. 7.

7. a refund of paid but not used services or partial services is not possible.

8. in case of default of payment, the hotel is entitled to charge an interest rate of 4% above the valid Bundesbank discount rate.

9. if the invoice amount exceeds Euro 600,-, a total invoice can be sent on request of the customer. Invoices are payable within 10 days of receipt. Payment of individual invoices may be requested by the hotel in advance. 10.

10. delay in payment of even one invoice entitles the hotel to suspend all further and future services for the customer. The hotel decides on this without notice.

11. in case of a stay of more than six days or an invoice amount of more than Euro 400,– the hotel reserves the right to issue an interim invoice.

12. if the orderer is not at the same time customer or guest, or if he orders at the expense of another, both are liable as joint debtors.

13. the hotel shall endeavor to execute wake-up orders with the utmost care. However, claims for damages arising from possible omission are excluded.

14. messages, mail and goods consignments etc. intended for the customer’s attention will be handled with the utmost care. The hotel will take care of the safekeeping, delivery and, upon request – for a fee – forwarding of the same. However, liability for loss, delay or damage is excluded.

15) Any items left behind by the customer will only be forwarded at the customer’s request, risk and expense. The hotel undertakes to keep such items for six months. After that, if there is a recognizable value, they will be handed over to the local lost and found office.

16. the hotel may refuse to perform its obligations until the due consideration has been paid.

17. declarations of withdrawal must always be submitted in writing.

The following deadlines and cancellation fees apply:

Hotel rooms:
Up to 7 days prior to arrival can be cancelled free of charge, after that 100% of the costs will be charged.

Vacation apartments:
Up to 28 days before arrival can be cancelled free of charge, after that 50% of the costs will be charged.

The liability for the service not used (such as goods, linen, energy, ect.) is reduced by 20% of the respective liability sum as a saving of expenses.

1. the provisions of §§ 701 to 703 BGB apply. Liability for other reasons is excluded, unless the damage was caused by gross negligence or intent on the part of the hotel or its agents.

2. if the contracting party is a fully qualified merchant, it shall be liable without limitation for all contractual obligations, including those of participants or guests.

1. the place of performance and payment is the registered office of the hotel.

2. place of jurisdiction is Garmisch-Partenkirchen. If a contractual partner fulfills the requirements of § 38 para. 1 ZPO (German Code of Civil Procedure) and has no general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of the hotel.

3. the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.

4. the headings do not have any material meaning, they merely serve to provide a better overview.

Status: August / 2008